Nitin Spinners Ltd.
Nitin Spinners in Bhilwara, India, was founded with open-end machines in 1993. Today the company processes 100% grey cotton with a capacity of 225,000 ring spindles installed in five different units. In addition, there are 3,000 rotors. The total production sums up at 100 tons per day. Nitin Spinners Limited is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company and a Government of India recognized Export House. Nitin spinners is also certified by BCI/TBC. The product range includes Open end, Multifold open end, Ring spun combed , compact, Multifold ring spun, Fancy slub, core spun, S& Z Twist along with 100% organic cotton yarns and Blends. Nitin spinners has high technology production machineries as it has parterened with Truzschler, Rieter, Zinzer, Sussen, KTTM, Schlafhrost, Savio and Luwa along with Uster. Nitin spinners has the complete range of Uster Testing equipments to enable proper quality control of its production.

Usterized member contact
16-17 km Stone
Chittore Road
Bhilwara 311 025